But by the end of today, it looked like this:
I first created four subheadings reading "NEWS", "FEATURES", "FEEDBACK" and "REVIEWS" in the font Myriad Pro, Bold Condensed, size 30pt, Strong, black in colour and alligned to the left of its text box using the 'Horiztontal Type Tool'. I then used the 'Rectangle Tool' to draw white rectangles and place them behing these subheadings, thus making them stand out from the page. Next, I used the 'Horizontal Type Tool' again to draw text boxes under each subheading and typed the contents into them in the font Myriad Pro, Condensed, size 20pt and alligned to the left of its text box. I made the page numbers yellow, the band names in green and the rest of the text white. The band names needed to stand out and catch the readers interest, so the green help them to do so.
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